TMEditX is the licensed and much more capable tool for fixing up MSIX packages since it doesn’t have to depend on the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to create the final package.  [Download_page]

To start up the end of the year, we have more new features and fixes to improve your packaging! The PSF version is updated to release (v2024.01.02 from the TimMangan branch).

TMEditX new features

PSF 2024.01.02

This release added updates to RegLegacyFixup. It includes two new rules that are available.  See this blog for more details.

Command line support for AppAttach Conversion

Added command line options to convert MSIX packages into any of the three AppAttach formats.  These were previously only available from the GUI.

Detection of Long Paths

The VHD and VHDX formats for AppAttach limit file paths to 255 characters (MSIX and CIM formats do not have this limitation). This release adds a file path check and provides a warning that the resultant package may not work properly.

Java Detection and Blocking

A common scenario is the need to package up a Java based application that requires an older version of Java.  While we can include the older version in the package, the app will fail if a newer version of Java is natively installed.  In App-V we solved this using JavaBlocker (a powershell utility used before and during capture) that added deletion markers to be added to the Virtual Registry.  The MSIX registry does not support deletion markers in the registry, so this has now been added to the PSF RegLegacy fixup.

TMEditX will detect the presense of Java in the package, and when the PSF is added, RegLegacyFixup will be automatically configured to block access to newer versions of Java that might be present.

This is accomplished using the new JavaBlocker rule for RegLegacyFixup.  See the blog article on the PSF details.

Support was also added in the GUI to allow you to use the new DeletionMarker fixup in RegLegacyFixup, but for the Java problem we use the specific JavaBlocker rule.

Additional Fixes & Changes

  • TMEditX: Fix: Crash when using fixup on certain mixtures of “Shell Integrations require manifest fix” in same package.
  • TMEditX: Fix: Issue where fixup doesn’t indicate in the GUI that it was applied after you press the button.
  • TMEditX: Fix: Crash when using fixup on certain mixtures of “VCRuntime” in same package.
  • TMEditX: Fix: Crash when using fixup on fixing Missing COM registration when typelib was missing.
  • TMEditX: Fix: Issue on FTA for .ttf file, which is a restricted SystemFileAssociation by MSIX.
  • TMEditX: Fix: Added the new MsixAppInstallerData.xml file to the exclusion list for analysis on files needing FRF/MfrFixup.
  • MSIXDeploy: Fix: Improvement for deployment of AppAttach formats on older OS’s.

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