Extract the files from the provided exe:
Use '/Q /T:"C:Extract" /C ' to extract the actual installer.
To continue with the extracted version of the exe installer,
Use '/s ' for silent installation. It has an embedded MSI, so for full silent installation, use '/s /v/qn'.
The installer adds a shortcut to the start menu and to the desktop. Often removing the desktop shortcut is desired.
Use '/qn' for silent installation. It has an embedded MSI, so for full silent installation, use '/qn DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1'.
Use '/passive' for silent installation. It has an embedded MSI, so for full silent installation, use '/passive DISABLEADVTSHORTCUTS=1'.
The installer adds a shortcut to the start menu and to the desktop. Often removing the desktop shortcut is desired.
The product does not have an autoupdater.
Other customizations were not tested.
It installs under Program Files
It installs files to ProgramData
It installs files to C:\Application Data...
The Shortcut to the program includes a command line argument "/IA".
It has 2 services, a DraftSite API Service and a Flexnet Licensing Service.
It has several FTAs and shell extensions:
.dwg, .dwt, with shared Preview Handler and shared Thumbnail Handler.
.dxf with Preview Handler and Thumbnail Handler.
.flx with Preview Handler and Thumbnail Handler.
Packaging DraftSight for MSIX
The software was packaged on Windows 10 21H2 using Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool 1.2022.512 with the PSF using TMEditX with the PSF FileRedirectionFixup.
You must disable the Advertized Shortcuts for installation.
Remove the unwanted shortcut from the desktop if desired.
PsfLauncher is required for the shortcut in order to support the required command line argument.
FileRedirectionFixup is recommended due to configuration files in the package that might be changed.
TMEditX was used to add the Shell Extensions to the AppXManifest Shared handlers are not supportable at this time so you may apply a given handler to only one file type.
TMEditX was used to add in the missing fonts to the AppXManifest.