Registry-based pre-configuration is available.
Repackaging techniques that involve recapture will only support a single language. Some packaging forms allow for a script to be run on package installation or the first run of the application. In that case, adding additional language files in a side folder of the package could be used with a package script to detect the OS language and copy files appropriately.
The application installs into program files.
There are 4 shortcuts. The second is to a manual which is available from the menu in the program. The third is a "What's New" link. The fourth is a help link. Often these are removed.
There are lots of FTAs with shell extensions. There are both Context Menus and Drop Handlers. These are added to many zip like existing FTAs, new .rar* FTAs, and the special "*" FTA.
There are no protocol handlers, or services.
There is no auto-updater.
Packaging WinRAR for MSIX
The software was packaged on Windows 10 21H2 using Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool 1.2022.330 with or without PSF using TMEditX.
PsfLauncher is required if the additional shortcuts to the read me or what's new or manual are left in the package.
PsfLauncher and RegLegacyFixup are needed. There is an issue with being able to set and save some registry configurations. The FRF is not required if WinRAR is not used multilingually. If multiple languages are to be supported, the language files ".lng" must be redirected via FRF and the corresponding ".lng" files of the language must be copied into the FileRedirection path via Powershell Startup script. See Adrian's example of how to do this here:
Missing LoaderSearchOrder and ExecutionAlias are added into the manifest.
Testing on Windows 10 indicates mostly works Support of the app. This is due to the missing Shell Context Menu which is pretty important to many users of this app.
Testing on Windows 11 indicates mostly works support of the app. Although the context menus look correctly formed in the manifest, they are not working. Additionally, the open with like FTA for the app is now missing.